Artist Statement
Gaia's Gemeinschaft focuses on the natural and cultural environments in Vermont. Inspired by the filmmaker Godfrey Reggio and his Qatsi trilogy, I have embarked on a senior project within the poetic documentary filmmaking genre. My film's mission is to create and deliver a sense of place showcasing the state’s identity from the summit of Camels Hump to the quiet flowing of the Ompompanoosuc River captured through an observational style. My film follows the state's communities that gather in these spaces. The film observes the seasonal changes throughout a year. The film’s poetic perspective is enhanced with cultural imagery joining the landscape. The film visualizes the gemeinschaft infused throughout Vermont’s semiotic spaces. 

Fintan Trimble is pursuing his Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film and Video Production at the University of Connecticut in the Department of Digital Media Design. As an artist based in Vermont, his work is inspired by the environment and natural ecosystems. Fintan focuses on the natural locations and the signs of human influence within the environment. Through the mediums of film and photography, Fintan observes the vernacular landscape, choosing locations to highlight and reveal human actions impacting ecosystems. Fintan’s goal is to reside in Colorado, continuing his cinematic storytelling in mountainous areas of North America. His art encapsulates his perspective on the juxtaposition of human involvement within natural and pristine environments.
Filming Process

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